Thursday 7 March 2013

1st day at SECC

Morning all..  just a quickie from me today as I'm getting ready for the 1st day of the ICHF craft show at Glasgow SECC.   Bbrrr how cold was it at set up yesterday.. BALTIC.   I got home just after 10pm last night and my hands were so cold that even after a 20 min drive they were still beetroot red and swollen.  Just part of the job though, working with all the doors open as folk constantly go back and forth to vans unloading pallets etc and thankfully we all stay in good humour about it. 

Anyway, must dash now and get myself ready but hope you like today's pic..  another sample from the recent trade show using the new JoFY stamps. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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