Tuesday 9 October 2012


Well folks I have to say it may be a little on the chilly side this week but at the same time we have to be grateful for the dry conditions and some on/off sunshine.

So last night was an evening of chilling out with a wee neck and shoulder massage thrown in courtesy of my darling husband followed by a lie in this morning.. Think I'm still catching up on lack of sleep from my holidays. Then once I had a wee coffee to start the day it was time to touch up the paint on the advent boxes and pop out all the numbers I need for them.. Just need to pop a wee lick of paint on them now before adhering them to the boxes. First up though I need to pop out for some shopping to top up the cupboards so guess I'll be wearing the fluffy socks and possibly a scarf too. Lol.

Make sure you pop back to see the next update on the calender please and we'll be moving on to something new once this is completed. If anyone needs details of where the calenders can be purchased please leave me a comment with the town you live in and I'll find your nearest stockist for you. Please note I moderate all comments and will delete the ones with your details so they are not visible to anyone else.

Right I'm off to get wrapped up for my trip out into the cold so take care all and keep up the crafting.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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