Tuesday 11 September 2012

Wee change

Hi folks.. Just before 9pm here and I'm in my pj's ready for bed. Think a lack of sleep last night and the heat from the Santa Ana's has worn me out a bit today so it's early to bed tonight so I'm nice and refreshed for Knottsberry Farm tomorrow.

Thought I'd give you a wee change of picture tonight and share a few of the Huntington Beach instead. We headed down the pier for a few hours today, had some lunch, a nosey around the shops and walked out on the pier looking down on the surfers and sun bathers.. Managed to spot a few dolphins too which was cool. Had dinner at home tonight where Ruth cooked up the most awesome chicken casserole and dumplings then afterwards we hung about out the front of the house to catch the evening breeze and cool down a bit.

Well folks my eyes are getting heavy so going to sign off for now and hopefully get a few more hours sleep than I did last night. Back with you all tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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