Friday 28 September 2012

Sneaky peek

Afternoon all.. Can't even remember what day I last managed to blog but it's been all go here. Headed to Edinburgh yesterday as Rob had to attend the hospital so I was booked in to a hotel. A whole 24 hours of running back and forth to the hospital with a lovely bistro meal thrown in.

Anyway, Craft World have one of their well renowned extravaganza weekends on tomorrow and Sunday so looking forward to seeing lots of lovely friendly faces and I'll no doubt get cursed by quite a few for helping them to spend their pennies. Lol.

Now I didn't feel right not sharing a wee sneaky peek of just a few of the goodies I'll be playing with over the weekend so here it is.. Going to make a few more wee bits and pieces up tonight as well.

Guess I should sign off now as hubby has promised to order me a sweet and sour with fried rice for dinner so want to get some stuff done before that arrives. Hope everyone is keeping well and no-one has been affected by these terrible floods. Toodles for now.

Lorraine xxx

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