Thursday 6 September 2012

Safe and sound

Hi all.. Well I did attempt to post from Heathrow yesterday but had to turn my phone off before the post managed to go through and by the time we arrived I was just too tired.. Well we had been on the go for almost 24hrs by then. Lol.

Anyway we've arrived safe and well. Took this picture of Rob yesterday on board the plane and as you can see by his face he was very happy with the seat pods. I have to say that I was very impressed with everything on board. I was able to stretch my legs out straight which is a 1st ever on a plane, the seats were very comfortable, food, although portions are small was delicious, staff were very friendly and the cabin was very generous in size.. Oohhh and the mood lighting also helped to create a relaxed atmosphere. All this combined with more movies, tv programs, videos, radio, games etc than you could possibly imagine made for the perfect trip.

We haven't really done much today at all.. Chilled out this morning and unpacked then this afternoon we popped out to the shops for a few bits and bobs then back to the house to chill out some more. Think I was a bit over tired last night so I didn't get the best sleep as I woke about every hour (heat was probably a big issue too) so hopefully tonight I'll sleep better and feel much more refreshed tomorrow.

With that said folks I'm off to have a wee cuppa, a read of my book then I'm off to bed.. It's only 9.40pm and can't believe I'm actually tired considering I don't usually go to bed before 2am... Must be a combination of the time difference and the journey I think. Lol. So toodles for now everyone and I'll blog another post tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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