Monday 3 September 2012


Evening all.. Hope everyone's been behaving in my absence and my apologies for not blogging the last few days but normal service is resumed again. What a wonderful time I had at the show and the boys from Jones Crafts were an awesome duo to work with. We had so many lovely customers old and new both yesterday and today. Last night after the show we all piled back to the hotel for a quick change of clothes and a drink before heading out for a lovely meal at Paco's.. Have to say, if you ever visit Perth it's a great place to eat. Once the food had settled we all toddled back to the hotel where upon Poker became the name of the game! I've never played before in my puff but ended up joining in playing with someone else's money. Lol. Won't tell you what everyone had to do for me as I didn't know the rules but the were very patient and didn't even attempt to cheat me out of any winnings.. Now that's good sportsmanship. Finally I slipped off to my room for some much needed sleep as I'd been functioning on 8 hrs sleep spread over a 3 days period. Was enjoying bed so much that I opted for extra time in it this morning and gave a good old full english breakfast the miss! Picked up a bacon buttie at the venue instead. Think I finally arrived home somewhere around 6.30pm and it's been all systems go since.

Anyway.. Time to get the old blog up and running again so thought I'd start with something yummy.. Buttons buttons everywhere.. Think Darren and Stavros thought I was just a little bonkers when I kept shaking the tubs, squeezing the bags and sticking my hand in the big bowl of buttons we had on display.. Had to explain it's just a female obsession with buttons. Lol. Now I've managed to get pictures of the samples so although I'll be on holiday shortly I'll still be blogging pictures every day so make sure you check in on a daily basis. Remember too that if you like the papers etc check with your local craft supplier and if they don't already stock them then suggest that they contact Jones Crafts in Nottingham to place an order.. If you don't tell them there's a demand they may not know!

Well folks it's time for me to sign off and get on with packing the suitcase else I'll not be getting to the sun. Lol. Will bid you all a good night for now and be back with another post tomorrow.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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