Saturday 8 September 2012

Just for you

Well folks it's another gorgeous day here in surf city.. 2pm and currently 78 degrees in the house and looking at the outside temp gauge it's close to hitting 90 degrees.

Ruth and I are having a girlie day as the boys are off up the shooting range so we've chilled this morning, popped to Target for a few things, Jo Ann's was a let down so came home and have just finished lunch.. Also going to do laundry this afternoon.

Now thanks to some people adding me to facebook groups yesterday without my permission my inbox was inundated with email notifications costing £1.38 for each one.. How nice was that as by the time I managed to stop them it had cost me approx £50 for something I wasn't even interested in nor had authorised!
Anyway, on to today's card which was another of my samples. This time it's some Kraft card stock, paper is from the Kaiser Crafts 'Periwinkle' range which I've added some glitter, a sentiment I printed from the computer and I've mounted it on a wooden doilly which is also available from Kaiser Crafts stockists.

Well I guess that's another £1.38 added to my mobile bill so will sign off for another day and go back to the sunshine. Lol. See you all tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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