Wednesday 19 September 2012

Back to normality

Evening all on my first night back in the UK.. What a journey that was and I've now been awake for about 29 hrs. I'm surprised at how quickly life has returned to normality as Smithy cat normally ignores us for a day or two before attacking us both then he deems his revenge is complete and can be friends with us again.

Unusually though when we got home tonight he came straight over to see us and has stuck by one of us since. For some strange reason I'm feeling a little tired and worn out tonight so have gotten in to my pj's and housecoat early and as you can see from the pic Smithy was very quick to join me. Lol.

With that said I'm signing off for the night and apologise for any spelling errors but the brain is going a little numb now so going to chill in front of the tv for a half hour then get off to bed. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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