Thursday 30 August 2012

Sneaky tweet

Right folks this may or may not be my last post of the night.. Not decided yet. Lol.

Thankfully it stayed sunny today so washing basket is empty and clothes were all air dried so nice and soft, smelling lovely. Mum was up for a wee visit and Rob popped round to our friends with their wee boys pressies and card.
More stuff scored off the to do holiday list and a few more added too. Lol. Tomorrow is our last day together before we fly so lots to do and it will be a miracle if we get through the day without a major fall out! Time will tell I guess.

Right I'm off to tend to my bunnies and kitty now, grab some dinner then move on to the next chore on the list. Catch up with you all soon.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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