Tuesday 28 August 2012

Going UP!

Alright folks here's the last sneaky peek of the day so you can see what I'm playing with just now.

It's been a busy day here with lots of phone calls organising dates for upcoming events, worked on some more samples and done a pile of ironing ready to be packed in the case. Wouldn't surprise me if I find a pile of glitter in it somewhere as I think everything got covered in it today. Lol.

Well hubby has finally retired to bed for the night and not a minute too soon I may add as he's been driving me a little nuts tonight. As for me.. I'm off to boil the kettle, see what's decent on tv and finish off this sample before sitting back to chill for an hour or so before bed.

Hope you're all enjoying the journey through my box of stash and all will be revealed soon.. Catch up with you tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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