Sunday 26 August 2012

Glitz & Glam

Morning all and thought I'd get you off to a sparkly start today with some glitter and gilding flakes.

What's on today's agenda? Well it's starting off with some crafting, moving to housework, then out shopping for clothes, back to deal with my wee bunny who's almost back to full health again but still needs some TLC then back to the crafting again after that.

Need to try and have an early night as I've to be at the hospital for 9am tomorrow. One of those appointments where I'm glad it's finally arrived and hope to get some answers but at the same time I'm a tad worried about what I may be told so keeping fingers crossed.

Right.. Best get myself moving as apparently I'm getting an extra top if I make it out the house before 1pm. Lol.

Catch you later.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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