Wednesday 22 August 2012

Flutter time

Evening all.. Been another busy day here again so much so I forgot to blog. Lol. Started at 10am and just about to start on my final project of the evening so will hopefully be done for midnight. Am so loving the products I'm playing with just now and am bubbling to share them with you.. Will also share a list of stockists too so you all know where you can purchase of the scrummy goodies.

Tonight I decided to share just a small portion of this design which I adore for it's soft blended effect. Hhmmm maybe coupled with some 'bling' and I'll leave your mind to boggle on what else will be with it. Lol.

Well I'm going to scoot off and make a start as my juices are flowing well. Catch you all tomorrow again and I'll make sure I post a little earlier in the day too.

Toodles for now my lovelies

Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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