Monday 27 August 2012

Evening play

Hope it's been a good day for everyone. It's been a really good one for me. Started off at the breast clinic this morning and thankfully got the all clear so breathed a huge sigh of relief. Followed by a nice big fry up to regain my energy. Next up we headed off on another wee shopping trip and with 90 mins had managed to pick up the last of the stuff we needed for our holidays.. Just need to find time to pack now. Lol. Back home for lunch and the intention was to pop to Asda for some food supplies but I ended up falling asleep on the sofa for 3 hrs. In my defence I haven't been sleeping very well for the last few nights worrying about today's appointment so hubby ended up going himself. Woke up and packed some order then got them off in the post, done some household chores then dealt with dinner. May I just say I feel like a right dustbin tonight as dinner was lasagne with salad, followed by a 4 finger dark chocolate kitkat but no.. That wasn't enough.. I then felt the need to eat 2 bags of crisps aswell!!! Don't think I'll be eating any more before tomorrow. Lol.

Anyway.. Time to catch up on some work now so have some goodies tipped out in front of me ready to start and thought I'd share a wee pic before I start. This is a lovely funky range which would bring a smile to anyone's face no matter what the age is. So with that said I'm off to get busy and will catch up with you all again tomorrow. Have a lovely night all.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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