Thursday 30 August 2012

Bits and pieces

After the day we had yesterday full of rain and thunder what a pleasant surprise I had this morning when I opened the curtains to see the sun.. Hope it stays with us all day.

We had the kids over for a wee visit last night and Brianna is excited about life as it's all starting to fall in to place now. Her final dissertation is due in on Friday and she starts her PhD in a matter of weeks. Her fund raising concert is this coming Saturday too. And... She's also heard the most wonderful news this week too as one of the research tutors at the Uni is taking 3yrs away to work on a particular area he has received funding for and Brianna has been asked to tutor his classes for the next 3yrs as part of her PhD.. How cool is that!

Well my wee mum is coming up for a visit and bite of lunch today, I'm working on some more samples and will get another bit organised for the holidays.. Ooooo less than a week to go now till I'm soaking up the sun and still got my demo case to pack for the weekend too.. Think I'll make a to-do list for Rob to work on tomorrow. Lol.

Right folks I'm off to get myself in gear and crack on with the day. Catch you all later.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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