Tuesday 19 June 2012

Quiet wee day

Well it's another late one today folks as you can tell. Hubby's had another day at home trying to get over his bug but is determined that he's going in to the office tomorrow so we'll see what unfolds. Have to say that he didn't start the day too well but does appear to have picked up as the day has gone on so fingers crossed.

I managed to escape to the back garden for a few hours late afternoon in to early evening and enjoyed some of the lovely sun we've had today again. Here's hoping it's here to stay for a while as it's nice getting outdoors in the fresh air.

Then I decided to have a 'chippy' for dinner and no sooner was I back when my friends 2 kids appeared out front and as I was speaking with them out the window my friend appeared.. Well she sent the children home to their dad and came in for a wee natter and then my other friend appeared too so the 3 of us were sat of the sofa having a good old natter. After they left Rob laughed and said we were all chatting away that much that the walls were shaking. Lol. It's not very often that we get time to just sit and chat so I really enjoyed it.

Hubby's just took himself off to bed so I'm going to put my pj's on, make a wee cuppa and snuggle on the sofa to watch some tv seeing as I've got it all to myself now. Hopefully I'll get in to the craft room for a few hours tomorrow if he's back at work and see what I can have a play with.

Toodles for now and hope everyone's had a fab day.. Here's hoping it's sun on the forecast for tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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