Sunday 17 June 2012


Evening all and sorry it's a late post tonight but wanted to wait till I could upload pics of my clear working space. Can hardly believe I have a nice clean area to work on again as it's been so long. Lol.

Although hidden from sight I will be truthful and tell you that there is still one box to be sorted out tomorrow then my job will be 100% complete but for tonight I'm happy to settle with 97%.

Now that's done I'm off to tend to my animals then chill for the rest of the night so I can get stuck in tomorrow. Got some invoicing and emails to tackle in the morning, a few errands to run then I'll see how long I can keep my desk tidy for. Hopefully the cleanliness will help on the old creativity front too.

Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend. I'm off now to do chores, make a cuppa and sit down.

Nighty night
Lorraine. Xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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