Thursday 17 May 2012

What a 24hr period

Well folks it's another posting at a strange time for me. On Tuesday night around 10pm we had a horrendous fire on some spare land very close to us.. Flames were leaping 40+ft in the air with so much black smoke billowing in to the air that apparently it was seen from surrounding towns. This morning I popped down with another neighbour to see just how extensive the damage was and this is what remains at the air where the fire was started. There were also fences and trees alight way too close to a few houses for comfort. Thankfully 4 fire units attended and done an amazing job in getting it under control and extinguished.

To add to that I awoke this morning feeling a little blocked up and by lunchtime I was rapidly deteriorating so gave in, took some paracetamol and lay on the sofa for the rest of the day sleeping on and off. Going by the symptoms it would appear that I've caught a lovely cold! I've been freezing, boiling, coughing, sneezing, blocked up then runny nose. You know.. All those symptoms that we love so much.. NOT.

Well I have to say I haven't felt as crap as this for a long time so hope it's very short lived. Just taken some more paracetamol so going to head off to bed and see if I can get some more sleep in the hope it helps rid me of the germs at lightning speed.

Hope you've all had a better 24hrs than I have and hope that I'm feeling better by morning too.

Toodles for now

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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