Thursday 3 May 2012

Simply glorious

Afternoon on and boy what a gorgeous sunny day it is here too so I'm just getting ready to pop out in the garden to catch some rays before they disappear again.

Yesterday and part of today I've been buzzing away cutting, scoring and base layering a whole load of samples so they're now all ready just for the embellishments and final touches to be added. The house is all in order, the last of the washing is now on the line so I'm going to use the sun as an excuse to go cut the grass and do some weeding.. Truth of it is I'm off to soak up some sun.. Well they do say vitamin D is a necessity in life so best to grab it when the opportunity arises. Going by the forecast it's due to return to it's normal self tomorrow! Let's hope it proves the weather man wrong eh.

Well I won't get much done pushing the buttons on this phone will I so will say toodles for now and I hope you're all basking in sunshine too.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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