Sunday 6 May 2012

Lazy Sunday..

Evening folks and it's another late one from me today again eh! Really must start posting earlier in the day instead of a few hours short of midnight.

Anyway.. Last night was one of those where the brain and body didn't switch off till somewhere around 3.30am so today began with a lie in till 11am (shocked and ashamed of myself), followed by a nice fry up for lunch made by hubby dearest whilst watching a true movie which I won't tell you about as it was a sad one.

Popped out this afternoon for a few hours (nothing exciting) and tonight I've been poddling away again on some samples (sneaky peek in the picture) and would you believe it but hubby has just dropped a big drip of water right on to one of them!!!! Aaaarrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!! Question is can I manage a sneaky cover up of the water drop now? Well guess I better go and try to repair the damage, and I may just glue him to his chair first right enough. Lol

Toodles for now everyone.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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