Thursday 8 March 2012

1st day over

Evening all and wow does the day go fast when you're having fun. What a fabulous 1st day we had at the SECC. There was a large queue waiting on the doors to open at 9.30am this morning and boy were they crafters on a mission.. A mission to fill their bags with goodies and spend lots of money. There was so much laughter and everyone was full of the joys of spring. Lots of lovely friends popped along to say hello and we've even been having laughs with the stands too as I've got J&C Creations opposite us and the mad Anni from Damselfly Crafts diagonally across with whom I've shared many a laugh with today. All I can say is, if the next 3 days are like today it's going to be a show to remember for sure.

Now when it comes to Kay.. Can you believe the woman actually thought she could get away with taking money from customers!!! Not on your nelly dear.. You see if I let her get £20 in her pocket next thing I know she'll be telling me she's taking a loo break and 10 mins later she'll float back to the stand having bought something. Well if I'm not able to buy cause I'm working why the heck should I let her buy. You'd think she's have learned by now by that I'm Mrs Money Bags, not her... Lol.

Anyway, we had a sharp finish and were out the door for about 5.30pm, picked up fuel on the way home, had dinner then dozed off watching tv! Something I rarely do, but then again I did only have about 3hrs sleep last night so guess it'll be early to bed tonight.

My final words for tonight are 'THANK YOU' to all those who came by to say hi today and I look forward to seeing more of you tomorrow again. Off to make a wee cuppa now so toodles and will hopefully get a wee pic or two to upload tomorrow.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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