Monday 20 February 2012

Time for a trip

Well folks first up I must apologise for my lack of blogging over the past month or so. There's been so much going on here between customer orders, sample making for the delightful Lynda Chapman, hubby has been back and forth to doctor and hospital appts, mum's been on holiday so I had to tend to her hubby during her absence and let's not forget about the beloved accountant and tax man. It's actually been so mad that I haven't really had a lot of time to just sit and play to make anything for myself, although my cardigan is now finished :D.

However, it's time to take some time away from home so I'm off to the NEC for a bit of browsing around and a good old nosey at some yummy products. Not quite sure if I can class that as work even though I will be down in a buyer capacity there will be so much socialising going on at the same time, it's defo one of my favourite times of the year where I get to meet up with so many lovely people who work in the craft industry.

So with that said, it's time to hit the sack and get some sleep before the start of an awesome 2 day trip, during which I promise to try and get some pics to share with you all so keep checking back to see what all I spy.

Toodles for now and I'll be less of a stranger now that things have calmed down around here a bit.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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