Wednesday 29 February 2012

Tick tock..

Well folks time has sure moved along today between one thing and another. Printer issue to name but one, but isn't it just typical that this happens at a time when you need it most. Lol.

So about 10 mins ago I looked at the clock to suddenly realise it was basically 9pm!! As I've been cradling a poorly stomach yesterday and today I've been going slower than normal so have decided to sit my butt down now and have a wee bit of play time.. Hhmmm what to do was the question then realised I started this clock a while back and hadn't actually gotten round to finishing it. So.. I've got a Kaiser clock which has been covered in Kaiser papers so far and tonight I'm going to start some embellishment. Not planning on finishing it tonight but at least it will be one step closer. Now with that said I'll bit you goodnight as my inks etc appear to be calling my name. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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