Monday 27 February 2012

Some birthday pressies

Afternoon all.. Well it was a busy day yesterday and today it's going to be a busy one again in the craft room.. That is once the housework is finished and I've had a bite of lunch as I'm starting to hear some rumbles. Lol.

Before I lose track of time, like we all do once we close the craft room door I remembered to share a pic of my wee birthday treats that hubby bought me on Saturday. Poor soul decided I needed something to keep me going till the rest of my present gets delivered.. Yay.. DISTRESS MARKERS. Guess you can tell I'm excited!!

There's always new stash required for the room so my latest choices are in the pic.. Well apart from the rubber stamp which was hubby's choice. He said it reminded him of our cat with a bit of me thrown in too via the coffee cup.. Just slightly cheeky of him. Lol

Time to move then I suppose, got some emails and samples to do for work and would really like a wee bit of time to do something just for me today too, so toodle pips for now my lovelies.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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