Tuesday 21 February 2012

One of Tim's own

Evening all.. What a fabulous time I had in Birmingham and I even managed to see Tim before he left which was an added bonus and got a quick pic of one of his fab makes on display.

Well it was a bit of a whirlwind time as there's always so much to see and so many peeps to chat too.. Seemed to be even more this year than last. Lol. Not complaining though as I had a ball and loved every minute I spent with them. Even managed to get a quick nagging session at Jo Channon about joining facebook but after her filling me in on her current work load I've decided to let her off for another wee while before I start hounding again.

So, the case is emptied and tonight I'm putting my feet up to go through all the paperwork and need to mark down a pile of dates in the diary whilst they're fresh in my head and just incase a tragedy strikes my phone which would be just my luck. Lol.

Before I go I'd like to say a huge thank you to Elena Costella at Heritage Rubber Stamp Co for taking me along and to our other companion Lesley McMurray who was dealing with the yarn and fibre studio end of things too.

Right, I'm off to sort the paperwork then I can chill. Back tomorrow again with another few pics.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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