Tuesday 3 January 2012

My knitting challenge

Evening all and boy has the wind been bad today. Utter nightmare in my estate but I know I've been very fortunate compared to my neighbours. Only thing that has been damaged really is a tree in the back garden which is in the process of being blown down. I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse as the tree is heading towards my dining room doors so if it just stays calm till it can be cut down then I'll be happy. My poor mum wasn't quite as fortunate as a lot of her fence has been blown down and though we went down to try and repair it, it's so bad we couldn't even do a temporary patch job on it so new fencing it is. I do hope everyone has stayed safe and not suffered any physical harm.

Anyway, I took a bit of a tizz last Thursday when I bought myself some yarn and a knitting pattern for a cardigan and I've been busy clicking away ever since. So far I've managed to complete the back, front left and front right sides and now about to start on a sleeve. Considering I've never knitted anything as large as a cardigan before I'm quite happy with how it's coming along and to be honest, can't wait to finish it so I can wear it.. Hopefully sometime within the next week seeing as I return to the normal work schedule tomorrow my time will be more restricted.

Now, if I type much more I won't be knitting so really must go and get those needles clicking again as it will be time for dinner in a half hour or so aswell.

Stay safe everyone and I'll be back again tomorrow.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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