Monday 2 January 2012


Happy New Year to all you lovely peeps out there in blogland and I hope you've had a wonderful start to 2012.

I sat down last week and got my new diary all updated so that's a good job done as this is going to be a busy year. Fortunately I've managed to have a complete break over the festive season so the batteries have been fully recharged and I'm ready for life to return to normal again.

Lots to get sorted this month, samples, workshops, demo's etc and it all begins on Wednesday morning with a trip to Perth for a wee business meeting. I'm sure I'll still manage to squeeze in a wee coffee or two right enough whilst sitting round the discussion table. Lol.

So during the last few days I have left of the holidays I'm going to be working away like mad on my new cardigan that I decided to knit myself. Took a wee mad idea last week so toddled off to get myself some yarn and a pattern. Since Thursday I've managed to knit the back and the front left hand side so doing not too bad so far I think. Just got the front right, 2 sleeves, 2 pockets and the borders to do so I could well be some time yet. Lol. So determined to finish this though as I've never knitted anything as big as a cardigan before so it will be a real achievement for me.

Well.. Time for me to move I guess and my new years resolution is to do my best to try and blog every single day.. Time I got myself back on track and I do apologise for having disappeared for a while.

Toodles for now my lovelies.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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