Saturday 26 November 2011

The snow is coming

Morning all.. Let's hope my subject line isn't too true for us eh but we did have a wee flutter of the white stuff here yesterday!

It was a bit of a jingle jangle day here with lots going on so the only thing I actually managed to make was this wee snowman and he still has his sign to be written but that will only take a minute or two so I'm not fretting over it.

Today is starting just now with hubby in the kitchen making me a fry up, then the housework has to be done before the girls arrive for afternoon coffee.. We don't know if this will be our last get together before Marie emigrates to Oz as Angie lives in Scunthorpe so it's not like we can organise get together's any old time.

Well breakfast has been served so best sign off now and eat it whilst it's warm.

Have a fab day everyone.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine this is so lovely, what a clever idea, and pray all goes for Marie's trip downunder much warmer over here - just lovely now check pickies on my blog last few posts have had them! Shaz in oz.x
