Sunday 13 November 2011

New cushions..

Afternoon all, well I managed to get some new cushions yesterday, and though I saw curtains I liked I held off on buying them just to be sure.. You may well guess.. Got home and kicked myself for not having just bought them when I saw them. Also managed to get a new display shelf for my craft room even though I was looking for a storage unit. Lol

Just getting ready to go out again, got the weekly shop to do and may pop back for my curtains too.. Might be pushing it for Ikea as we're going to visit the kids tonight in their new flat.. Rob's already been up whilst I was working but this is the first chance I've had to go visit since they got the keys 2 weeks ago.. Also need to remember to take up her filing cabinet (she's so organised).

So, without further delay I must sign off otherwise I'll defo not get to ikea!!! Hope you all have a lovely day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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