Saturday 12 November 2011

For the kids..

Morning all, and boy am I late today.. It's almost lunchtime!!! I've been sitting here trying to think of what all I need to get done this weekend whilst hubby is off work and what can wait till next week.

As you know my new sofa arrived a few weeks back so we need to try and sort the living room now, what colour is going on the walls, new carpet, curtains, blinds, cushions etc.. I also need to get a new storage unit in the craft room as I passed one of them over to Brianna for her new flat which means a load of my stash is lying on the floor and my desk just now. Really looking forward to tomorrow too as we're going to visit Gordon and Brianna in their new flat so I can't wait to see what they've done since they got the keys. All I know right now is their feature wall in the living room has been painted blood red. Feel awful I haven't visited already but between both of our schedules this is the first we've been able to sort something out.. Hope she's got good coffee in for me. Lol

Well, guess I better go have another wee cuppa then make a move on the day and get some chores scored off of the list.. Toodles for now

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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