Wednesday 16 November 2011

Country Living Magazine Christmas Fairs 2011 - Visiting the Christmas Fair in Scotland

Evening all and apologies for my absence over the last day or two but hopefully things will be back to normal again now. In the meantime I thought I'd give you all a reminder that the Country Living Fair is on at the SECC for the next 4 days (Thurs - Sun) and is well worth a visit.

You may or may not remember that last year I done some decopatch workshops on behalf of Damselfly Crafts, very scary with the large screen behind me and my microphone on my head so everyone could hear me. Lol.

This year will be a little different for me. I will definitely be there at the weekend assisting the lovely Elena Costella who has some absolutely gorgeous products for sale and I'm on emergency stand by Thurs and Fri just incase the crowds get too much and I'll run to the rescue as I'm only 20 mins from the venue.

If any of you are going along I hope you'll stop by and say hello and if you've made any purchases I'm sure to want a nosey in your bags. Lol

Off now to prep another few things for xmas cards before heading to bed as I've got the hairdresser at 9.30am tomorrow and I'll be so relieved to get this mass of hair chopped and styled again. I normally get it cut every 4 weeks but due to the recent shows I've had to wait a whole 7 weeks so I'm feeling really weighted up top. Roll on tomorrow morning is all I can say. Will be back to share more with you tomorrow.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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