Thursday 13 October 2011

Winter's coming

Afternoon all.. It's been a bit of a mad week as my beloved Blackberry wasn't working for 3 whole days!!! Discovered just how much I rely on it now and how much easier and time efficient I am when I have it.. Lol

In brief.. A lot of Monday was spent figuring out what was happening with my phone, Tuesday was housework, ceramics and then visited my friend as her wee girl turned 5.. So sweet and what a stunning cake her aunt had baked for her too. Yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning the house from top to bottom then finished off this wee scarf for my other friends wee boy. Today it's been washing and ironing, lunch with mum and now I'm about to start crafting again. Hopefully I'll be able to keep you more up to date with going on's as my phone appears to be back to normal again.

Hope you're all having a really good week.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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