Monday 17 October 2011

Snow is falling..

Evening all.. It's been a busy old day here, thankfully all indoors though as it's been freezing and raining all day.. Even had to turn the heating on about 3pm as my fingers were ready to suffer frost bite I think.. Lol

Amongst today's duties, I was working on my shadow box again so now have all the snow and glitter on the rooftops, moon etc.. All layered up now too which means the next job on the list is decorating the frame.. Hhmmmm wonder how long it will take me to decide what all is going to be added!!!

Anyway, it's time to dish up some dinner as I'm starving and then decide what's on tonight's agenda.

Hope you're all staying warm and dry as true autumn hits home.

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. This looks gorgeous, so festive and pretty.....xx
