Monday 31 October 2011

One job done

Well that was a mad dash.. Was just getting ready to move and make a start on the day when the phone rang.. Lovely delivery man to tell me they'd be at the house in approx 10 mins with my new sofa.. I'm still in pj's!!! So ran upstairs to throw on some trackies and a jumper, downstairs to clear the window ledge so they can use it for moving the sofas, grabbed my demo stuff and threw it in the hall, hunted the cat upstairs, quick hoover of the carpet and they guys were here.. They were as quick as I was.. One sofa out and into the van and the new sofa in and against the wall quick as you like. Less than 20 mins from I received the call.. They've left and I'm sat on the new one with a cuppa in my hand. Lol.

Hopefully the rest of the day will be easier now as it was all having to fit in around the delivery before. Going to finish this wee coffee first then I can get my day organised. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Lorraine xxx

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