Sunday 2 October 2011

New Ceramic

Well folks it's 1am on Sunday morning and this is the first chance I've had to blog since lunch time..

This morning comprised of a laid back start followed by housework.. Yuck!!! Then we set off on our jaunt.. Off to the shops where I happened to find a new ceramics shop so had to treat myself to a few pieces.. Just couldn't resist this adorable sleeping baby and I'll upload a pic of the other one later on today. After that we had to do the weekly shop and stopped off for a costa coffee and bite to eat.. Just to ensure I had enough energy to push the trolley.. Lol

Back home and had a few important emails to deal with then I had to attend another residents meeting which lasted a few hours! Back home and then had to tend to dinner, animals and the remainder of the emails.. Oh and my friend popped by the house too for a natter and let's not forget the phone.. Lol.

All has gone quiet now so I've sat my bum down to watch a little tv and chill before bed, whilst trying hard to resist the temptation to get my paint brushes out and make a start on this adorable little cutie.

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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