Friday 28 October 2011


Well a very good morning to all you lovely folk out there and my apologies for the lack of blogging the last few days but its been non stop here and I mean non stop.

Wednesday got off to a fantastic start all calm and organised. Set up at the SECC went smoothly but then at 10pm shortly before heading to bed the volcano erupted and it was all systems go again which resulted in it being 3am before I got to sleep and the alarm went off again at 6am. Off to the show I went, had a lovely 30 minute break at 2pm where I managed to have a quick chat with a couple of people, but had to be satisfied with a bag of crisps as all sandwiches were sold out!!! Think I'll be buying lunch at 9am today. Lol. So when I got home last night I chilled on the sofa for a while, had a nice chinese for dinner then soaked in a bath before getting some much needed sleep.

Right now I'm off to get my make up on whilst drinking another cuppa of yummy coffee.. Well a girl needs plenty caffeine at this time in the morning. Lol. All going to plan I'll be heading out the door in a half hour for a nice leisurely jaunt to the show and hopefully I'll manage to catch up with some lovely folks before the doors open.

Have a lovely day all.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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