Thursday 20 October 2011

Family day

Evening all and apologies for the lateness of today's post but I was off visiting family today. It was a well overdue visit and I won't be leaving it as long again.

The afternoon was spent drinking coffee and eating scones whilst catching up and my cousin's wee girl Abbi was there too providing plenty entertainment. She's very quiet and well behaved but some of the looks you get when you say something silly are nothing less than classic.. Certainly has a few of her mum's characteristics in her. Lol. Another visit is planned for a fortnights time so really looking forward to that now.

Alas, it's time to get back to work and the last of my kit for the secc arrived this morning so I've got plenty to keep me going from now till then.. And without further delay.. I'm off to do some more stamping and colouring.

Hope you've all had a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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