Tuesday 25 October 2011

Calm before the storm

Afternoon all on what has actually been a pretty good day weather wise.. Let's hope it lasts!

Started with a nice lie in till 10.30 as it's my last for a while. Lol. Then got myself organised and poddled off out to do some ceramics and relax with the girls for a few hours (even more giggles than normal this week). Now it's back to normality, put the washing machine on and made a quick cuppa which I'm having as I type. Next I need to get the house in ship shape order so I don't have much to do over the coming days. Will start with the hoovering & dusting upstairs, quick wash down of the bathroom & en-suite then I'll get downstairs done. Tomorrow morning will be a quick tidy round before heading off to the SECC to meet up with everyone for set up before coming home to get my clothing organised for the 4 days (like to have them all just hanging up ready to pull on), demo kit to pack, eyebrows to shape, nails to file and paint etc, etc. Then it will be early to bed as the alarm will be ringing aloud at 5.30am Thursday morning. Snooze gets hit for the 1st half hour then I'm up, make the coffee, get ready and I'm out the door around 7.15am. Never quite know what morning traffic will be like heading in to Glasgow so I like to be on the safe side, though I normally arrive around 8am.. Giving me time to have a wander around and a wee chit chat before the doors open and off we go.. A day filled with demo's, lunch if you're lucky then re-stocking the stand in the evening before leaving for home. Soon as the front door is open, the shoes get kicked off, hubby gets my dinner on and I collapse on the sofa.. Wee soak in the bath and off to bed ready to repeat the process the following day.

Next Monday, I've got my replacement sofa being delivered, house to get spick & span again, case to pack for the NEC, halloween bags to make up then I can sit back and watch all the ghouls coming round for trick or treat. Then Tuesday I'm off in the van heading down to Birmingham to repeat the whole process over again.

Guess it's time to make a move now as the fairies aren't going to do the cleaning for me.

Love 'n' hugs

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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