Tuesday 20 September 2011

Wee day out

Morning all, hope you've all had a good start to the week like I have. Yesterday I was off to the trade fair at the SECC which was full of gorgeous products ranging from bags and scarves to candles, jackets and clocks. What a fun show it was and I had a lovely time looking at everything on display and helping spend Elena's hard earned money too.. Lol.

Whilst on our jaunt around the hall I stumbled upon this Titanic plaque and knew my hubby would love it.. I think my eyes must have lit up so much that as it was the last day of the show the gentleman very kindly said that I could actually take it home with me. Hubby was well impressed when he saw it so job well done.

Then last night was taken up by a committee meeting so it was around 11am when I actually got time to sit and chill.. But what a wonderful day I had.. Today is back to reality again as top of the agenda is the housework and washing before getting into craft mode. Time for one more coffee first though I think.. Lol

Toodles for now

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a great time hun, ive had a thing for titanic since i was young,
    i have a candy on my blog if your interested,
    hugs sandra xxx

    my candy
