Monday 26 September 2011

Holiday Weekend

Morning all from a very chilled and relaxed household this morning as we've had a nice lie in, late breakfast etc as today's a holiday so no need to rush around.

Saturday was spent doing chores, yesterday we were hardly in at all.. Went shopping and got my new snow boots and jacket so I'm well prepared for the snow, supermarket shop done too. Then hubby went to the gym and I pop to my friends for a quick visit to drop some stuff off. We then popped round the corner to other friends but as we were leaving to tend to animals it was decided we would go back and we'd all have a wee take away so that's what we done. So nice us just sitting around eating and chatting about a multitude of things.

As for what's on the agenda today.. We haven't decided that yet so it could be a rather lazy day all round.. The washing machine is on but that's as far as it goes so far.. Lol

Time for another wee coffee then we'll see what happens.. Hope you all have a fab day too.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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1 comment:

  1. why have you got a holiday we don't??? X enjoy it x
