Saturday 27 August 2011

New stash

Afternoon all.. Thought I'd share my new stash with you I got this morning at the Craft At Home closing down sale.

Think my biggest bargain of the day was all my 12 x 12 papers which are all down to 20p each!!!
I'll need to take another trip over during the week too as Angela is still finding more stock upstairs which she is bringing down on a regular basis and everything in the shop must go before next Sat and that includes the paper storage units too.

Hopefully I'll grab another few bargains before the week is up and with that said I'm off to have a rummage and find a little something to craft away on just now.

Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Wow, you did get a lot of stuff :D

    Have fun playing!

    Susan xx

  2. Fab Stash and got to love cheap paper :)
