Wednesday 20 July 2011

Last night's choice

Morning all.. Another overcast day here again but still a bit muggy with it.. I wonder if we will have any more sun this year or if we've already seen the best of it.. I'll get back to you at christmas with the answer.. Lol.

Well last night I decided to have a wee play with this handmade glass vase.. Another quick and easy project but not quite sure I'm entirely finished with it yet.. I'll post pics of it's current condition just as soon as I finish the housework as the upholstery inspector is due today again.. Wonder what he'll have to say on the condition of this sofa!!!

Right I'm off to batter on as the sooner I'm finished the sooner I can move on to better things.. Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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