Saturday 23 July 2011

Chill time

Evening all and sorry it's so late today but it's been a bit none stop since I got up this morning.. Lol

8am alarm goes off.. Up and got the house all organised, animals tended to etc, washed dressed and out the door to collect Ann before heading in to Damselfly Crafts. Arrived there, loaded car and then set off for Clydebank Shopping Centre where we spent the day doing decopatch with the kids. Finished at 4pm, cleaned up, packed car and headed back to Damselfly to return goodies. Then dropped Ann back at hers and headed home myself.. Was after 6pm when I got here. Wee chat with mum and Rob then onto the net to upload more craft goodies for sale.. Printed off orders and finally sat down for dinner just after 10pm.. Packed today's orders ready for posting tomorrow, into pj's and have finally got my feet up chilling.. Now you can't say you have no idea what I got up to today.. Lol.

Hope you've all had a good day and got lots of lovely things planned for the weekend ahead. I'm off to make a wee cuppa then think I'll be heading off to bed.. Back with you all tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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