Sunday 17 July 2011

Better pic..

Sorry everyone.. Just realised how dark yesterday's pics were so have taken a better one with more light on it..

Considering making some jewellery tonight whilst watching tv with the old man.. We paid a visit to the new Riverside Museum and it was heaving.. Queues for the car park and it was literally 1 in and 1 out.. Nice that they've got the tall ship there just now too though we didn't go on as the sky was looking a bit questionable.. Did we make the right decision or what.. We were quite literally all of about 10 seconds back into the car when the heavens opened.

Well.. Off to go have a rummage and pull out the beads etc and see what I can come up with.. Hope you've all had a fab day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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  1. Hello lovely ... Oooo this is downright gorgeous, love the dark brown & red tones, beautiful. xx

  2. I love this little box, it's gorgeous.xx
