Wednesday 22 June 2011


Morning all... and I'm a bit shocked at myself today for joining in WOYWW.. it's been so long since I've joined in the fun but I've had a few messages over the last few days asking if I'm okay or not... apparently I've been a bit on the quite side lately so I'm going to do my best to correct that... heaven forbid anyone think I'm quiet..  I've just been busy with work and the spare time I have had I've been catching up around the house so apologies to all.. Everything is fine in the old Robertson household but thank you so much for showing how much you care.  

Well this morning my desk is all set up with some stamps and distress inks ready to get some samples made for my demo this coming Saturday at Ashby Designs in Musselburgh.

I have a feeling I'm going to be a little on the inky side of life by the end of the day yet again...  Lots of stamping, blending, spritzing and maybe even some bleaching could be called for in the old craft room today..  Before that happens though I need to pop to the supermarket to top up the shelves and grab a bite of lunch too.. then hopefully I'll try to be more active online and share some makes with you.

Hope everyone is well and having fun.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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  1. Beats me how you can have such a tidy desk my friend.....xx

  2. How organised is your desk?!?! I'd have an amazing time with those spritzers - though I do have an awful habit of spraying over-zealously and covering non-crafty items with a bit of glitz *lol* (Apparently, Hubby's shirt and bike don't need a spritz of glitz n' glamour! *lol*)

  3. Your desk looks very organized! Have fun at your demo, and happy WOYWW!

  4. Those clear stamps look like they're on little plastic easels! Are they your stamping blocks? Desk also looks like it's ready to get messy and inky right along with you!

    Brenda 81

  5. very nice and creative desk. You are so organized with the spritzers and inks. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #107

  6. Lovely organized desk .Oh im sure you will get very inky with those stamps and all those bottles on back of your desk.Have fun!
    hugs Judex10

  7. Hi Lorraine, good to see you WOYWWing again... I too wondered what had happened to you so glad it's just through being busy that you've not posted. Have a great dem at the show..... bit far or I'd love to have popped in.
    Love JoZarty x

  8. you have such a lovely tidy desk!
