Tuesday 7 June 2011

My fab gift...

Good afternoon all... hope you all had a fabulous weekend.. I know I did as I spent it at Artstamps but it was made all the better by two wonderful gifts I received.. first up I was given a delicious bag crammed full of chocolates by my friend Lynsey and her daughter Ashleigh.. I would have taken a picture by eh... think I've made rather a large dent in them.. lol..  

The picture above also shows my other pressie.. a gorgeous new canvas to hand in my craft room to draw inspiration from.. given to me by the wonderful Gillian Simson..  is this not truly awesome.

Anyway, it's another busy week ahead as I'm prepping for Saturday's craft event at Damselfly Crafts so got plenty to keep me busy over the next few days.. I will post some pics as the work progresses.. but.. if I don't vacate this seat the work will never get done will it so guess I best say goodbye for now and I'll be back again later.

Have a wonderful day all

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
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