Thursday 30 June 2011

Graduation Pics...

Morning all... well what a truly awesome day we had yesterday at Brianna's graduation..  obviously a very proud one too as we witnessed Brianna being awarded her Bachelor of Music degree with 1st Class Honours...  she is now Miss Brianna Elyse Robertson BMus (Hons).. 


For those of you who have no idea what Glasgow University looks like I thought I'd share some architectural pictures with you as it is such a stunning building.

This is Gordon and Brianna pre graduation


A wee close up of them.. lol


Brianna along with her Dad.. another pre graduation pic


Inside of the Bute Hall where her graduation ceremony took place 

Really bad picture.. thankfully we got a really good close up on the video.. Brianna is right in the very centre of the picture as she is being presented with her degree
Some time may be required to translate this one.. lol

Post graduation... one extremely proud father along with his daughter

Post grad again.. Gordon, Brianna and Rob

This is where the champagne reception took place 


Me in my attire for the day (minus my jacket)

So.. what's happening today.. hhmmm... off out for lunch with an old school friend I haven't seen in 25 years.. we have been reunited thanks to facebook.. and then tonight my Mum and Eric are coming up for dinner as Gordon and Brianna are coming over for a visit.. 

Guess I best get my bum in gear now as I still have to email the pictures to all the family over the States.. 

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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  1. Well done to Brianna. What a lovely girl as well as a clever one. Great to see the pics of Glasgow Uni. Long time since I last saw it!

    Kat xx

  2. Great photos! Glad you had a good day, and you look fantastic too :) Susan xx

  3. Brilliant piccys.....Brianna - Well Done!!!
    Brought back lots of memories for me as I also graduated at Glasgow Uni in Bute Hall. Rob looks every inch the proud dad & rightly so!! xxx
