Sunday 26 June 2011


Evening all.. Even though it's less than an hour before the beginning of tomorrow.. Lol.

Have had a wonderful day doing not a lot.. Nice relaxed morning finishing off a scarf or two.. Well to be exact I knitted 2 and finished off another 8.. So not a lot done there to exhaust myself. This afternoon we went out a nice drive, had a bite to eat and then off down the park for a half hour. Also managed to fit in an hour of work discussing a new venue for craft classes so am very excited about that. Then tonight I've sat back on the sofa with my feet up for most of it. Glad it's been nice and relaxing as it's a pretty busy week ahead.. Brianna's graduation on Wednesday, lunch with an old school friend who I haven't seen for 25 yrs on Thursday and work the rest of the week.. And maybe a little bit of personal play time too.

Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend and if you happen to have any sunshine can you please send it my way. Thank you :)

Going to watch a wee half hour of tv then off to bed as need to be up at 7am tomorrow. Sleep well everyone.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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