Friday 3 June 2011

Artstamps... Corn Exchange... Edinburgh

Sorry I've been a bit on the quiet side this week but I've been a very busy little bee..  It's a busy month ahead so I've made sure I'm ready for it all and hopefully there will be no bloomers then.. lol..  

Anyway.. Just a quick reminder that the Artstamps show is on this weekend at the Corn Exchange in Edinburgh..  and I will be hosting 4 different workshops throughout the duration of both days.. 


Hope to see lots of your friendly faces there be it Saturday or Sunday and I know there is a good variety of goodies for sale on the stands.. I may even manage a wee sneeky picture or two today during set up... 

So with that said.. I'm off to head on my merry way to Edinburgh in this glorious sunshine.. hope you all have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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