Friday 20 May 2011

Workshop reminder..

Well folks I thought I better give you a reminder about my upcoming workshops at Artstamps Edinburgh as places are booking up and if you want to come along and join in the fun I'd suggest you book your place now.. simply leave me a comment, email me or if you're on facebook you can pm me too.

So what are the options?

Workshops will be held on both Saturday and Sunday so when you book your place please make sure you stipulate which day you would like to attend.   

Home Decor Hanging  -10.30 - 11.30 £5.00per person

Card making incorporating laser cut embellishments - 12.00 -1.00pm £5.00 per person

Design a canvas - 1.30pm - 2.30pm £6.00 per person

Wall Decor using Letter Art - 3.00 - 3.30pm £5.00 per person

Right.. lots to do over the coming weeks so I'm off to get on with some prep for these workshops so I can at least set them to the side knowing that all is in order and the hard work is done.. just the fun and excitement to be had on the day then.. hope to see lots of you there too.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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