Tuesday 3 May 2011

Ready, steady, go..

Morning all and this is short and sweet this morning.. All the stash you see in the pic is laid out so I can get organised for my marathon card making session. Only 4 days to prep for this weekends craft event at Craftworld in Hillington.. Hmmm I feel I have rather a lot of work to get through so don't think there will be much else on the agenda this week.. Lol.

Right I'm off to make a start so will catch up with you all later.. Maybe with a snippet or two of some of my creations.. Or could it possibly be of chunks of hair I've pulled from my head.. Lol

Toodles for now and hope you all have a fab day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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